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Pennosan’s multi-purpose Natural Pool Clarifier formulations are superior to chemical clarifiers because they contain chitosan, which has multi-functional benefits. Chitosan is naturally attracted to dirt, oils, and soluble metals, as well as algae and other microorganisms. Pennosan’s natural pool clarifier formulations are compatible with all non-metallic sanitising systems, including chlorine and bromine (if in doubt, ask our experts for advice). Used in conjunction with conventional backflush filter systems i.e., those employing sand, glass and other inert filter media, Natural Pool Clarifier will clarify your pool water naturally. By using Pennosan’s Natural Pool Clarifier in combination with your preferred sanitiser, you will find that your sanitiser is able to work more efficiently, and you will use less of it, making pool maintenance easier and pool use safer and more enjoyable.
Pennosan’s multi-purpose Natural Clarifiers can do all this:
Pennosan® Natural Pool Clarifier formulations are natural and safe to use. Chitosan is completely biodegradable and doesn’t accumulate in your pool water. Chitosan can reduce demand on chemical sanitisers by up to 50%.
Common problems leading to cloudy pool water include:
• High levels of total dissolved solids (TDS) – can lead to less effective sanitation.
• Algae – a common cause of green water.
• Dissolved metals – build-up of copper and iron in solution (this can come from heating systems or from the environment in outdoor pools) will cause discolouration of your swimming pool water, walls and surfaces.
• Oils and sweat – a common cause of cloudy swimming pool water which consumes the free available chlorine rapidly, increasing demand and generating a chlorine smell and skin irritation.
• Dirt – enters the pool via bathers and the environment.
Pennosan Natural Pool Clarifier makes pool maintenance simpler, safer and allows the use of less pool chemicals. Gentler on your skin and kinder to the environment.
Multi-functional Natural Pool Clarifier contains a special blend of chitosans that can:
If your swimming pool is well monitored and maintained, i.e., good control of sanitiser levels and pH, multi-purpose Natural Pool Clarifier is the only product you need to deal with all of the above.
Pennosan’s unique multi-purpose Natural Spa and Hot Tub Clarifier formulation is superior to chemical clarifiers because it contains a carefully designed blend of natural chitosans. Unlike a chemical clarifier, our Natural Spa Clarifier is naturally attracted to dirt and oils, as well as dissolved metals and microorganisms. Used in conjunction with conventional filter systems, including cartridge filter systems, Natural Spa Clarifier will clarify your cloudy hot tub water. With regular monitoring, by using Natural Spa Clarifier in combination with your preferred sanitiser, sanitiser performance is enhanced. You will see a reduction in the amount of sanitiser you will need to add to maintain free sanitiser at safe and comfortable levels. Chitosan can reduce demand on chemical sanitisers by up to 50%. Gentler on your skin and kinder to the environment.
Pennosan’s multi-purpose Natural Clarifiers can do all this:
Pennosan® Natural Spa Clarifier formulation is completely safe to use. Chitosan is completely natural and biodegradable, which means it doesn’t build up in your hot tub water. Once it does its job, you can be confident it will disappear – naturally.
Whether you have an inflatable hot tub, a hard-shell hot tub or even a wooden hot tub, rest assured that our Natural Spa Clarifier will make hot tub cleaning easier. Fewer water changes, means less water and less electricity.
Common problems found in hot tubs include:
Multi-purpose Natural Spa Clarifier contains a special blend of chitosans that can:
If your hot tub is well maintained, i.e., good control of sanitiser levels and pH, multi-purpose Natural Spa Clarifier is the only product you need to deal with all of the above. Making hot tub maintenance simpler, safer and saving you time and money on hot tub chemicals.
Swim spas offer multiple benefits in terms of exercise and relaxation for world class athletes and families alike. Whether you use chlorine or bromine, keeping your swim spa clean and safe can be challenging. Our Natural Spa Clarifier products are high quality, versatile formulations designed to meet the exacting needs of swim spa maintenance. Prepared using the natural ingredient, chitosan, its clarifying and natural antibacterial properties enhance the performance and reduce the demand on sanitisers.
Common problems in swim spas include:
Multi-purpose Natural Spa Clarifier contains a special blend of chitosans that can:
If your swim spa is well maintained, i.e., good control of sanitiser levels and pH, multi-functional Natural Spa Clarifier is the only product you need to cope with all of the above. Avoiding the need to add unnecessary pool chemicals, Pennosan Natural Spa Clarifier makes swim spa care safer and simpler. Gentler on you and your family, and kinder to the environment.
The basic principle of a natural pool is to emulate nature using natural and physical water cleaning processes to keep the natural pool water clean and clear without the use of chemicals.
Common problems of Natural Swimming Pools include:
Natural pools rely on flow through different types of non-chemical water treatment interventions to cleanse the water before it returns to the pool system. When natural pools are operating below pH 7.5, Pennosan Natural Pool Clarifier can enhance the performance of these systems by removing particulates, algae and TDS. Contact us for more information.
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