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Animal Hydrotherapy

Animals in health care, including exercise, need extra protection and hydrotherapists rely on crystal clear and safe water to observe their patients and nurse them back to health. That’s why many animal hydrotherapists use Pennosan Natural Pool Clarifier as their preferred choice.

Whether you use chlorine or bromine sanitisers, keeping your animal hydrotherapy pool clean and safe can be particularly challenging. Despite pre-showering and inspection, horses, dogs and/or other animals will transfer some dirt, and particularly oils, into your hydrotherapy pool. Our Natural Pool Clarifier formulations are high quality, versatile formulations to meet these challenges in hydrotherapy pool maintenance whilst being friendly to the environment and to the animals in your care.

Pennosan’s multi-purpose Natural Clarifiers can do all this:

  • Clarify – reducing sanitiser demand, enhancing bather comfort.
  • Cleanse – preventing scum lines and staining, saving time and money.
  • Eco-Friendly – safe and endlessly refillable, reducing plastic waste.
  • And much more…


Jack Russel Terrier wearing life jacket and swimming - Animal Hydrotherapy Cleaning Products

Common problems in small animal hydrotherapy pools include:

  • High levels of total dissolved solids (TDS) – can lead to ineffective sanitation.
  • Build-up of hair, sweat and oils – a common cause of cloudy pool water in a hydrotherapy pool which uses up the free available chlorine rapidly.
  • Dirt – enters the pool on paws, hooves and coats.

Multi-purpose Natural Pool Clarifier contains a special blend of chitosans that can:

  • Precipitate solubles – reducing TDS.
  • Agglomerate oils from the animals’ coats – clearing cloudiness from the water.
  • Flocculate dirt particles – allowing removal via the filtration system.

If your hydrotherapy pool is well maintained, i.e., properly sanitised, multi-purpose Natural Pool Clarifier is the only product you need to deal with all of the above. Making hydrotherapy pool care simpler, safer and using fewer pool chemicals. Gentler on the animals and kinder to the environment.


Harry the black labrador in a pool with Pennosan Pool Clarifier on side

Human Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapists depend on good pool maintenance and control to ensure pool water is clean and safe for patients. With crystal clear pool water, hydrotherapy patients’ exercises can be carefully monitored, leading to better health outcomes and faster recovery.

Whether you use chlorine or bromine, keeping your hydrotherapy pool clean and safe can be particularly challenging. The health and safety of your users is your primary concern. Our Natural Pool Clarifier products are high quality, versatile formulations designed to meet the exacting needs of hydrotherapy pool maintenance. Prepared using the natural ingredient, chitosan, its clarifying and natural antibacterial properties enhance the performance and reduce the demand on sanitisers.

Pennosan’s multi-purpose Natural Clarifiers can do all this:

  • Clarify – reducing sanitiser demand, enhancing bather comfort.
  • Cleanse – preventing scum lines and staining, saving time and money.
  • Eco-Friendly – safe and endlessly refillable, reducing plastic waste.
  • And much more…
Young woman jogging on an underwater treadmill - Pennosan Natural Pool Clarifier used in Hydrotherapy

Common problems in hydrotherapy pools include:

  • High levels of total dissolved solids (TDS) – can lead to ineffective sanitation and a chlorine smell.
  • Build-up of oils from sweat and cosmetics – a common cause of cloudy pool water in hydrotherapy pools which uses up the free available chlorine rapidly.
  • Dirt – enters the pool via bathers and the environment.

Multi-purpose Natural Pool Clarifier contains a special blend of chitosans that can:

  • Precipitate solubles – reducing TDS and making sanitiser more effective.
  • Agglomerate oils from sweat and lotions – clearing cloudiness, leaving the water crystal clear.
  • Flocculate dirt particles – allowing removal via the filtration system.

If your hydrotherapy pool is well maintained, i.e., properly sanitised, multi-functional Natural Pool Clarifier is the only product you need to cope with all of the above. Avoiding the need to add unnecessary pool chemicals, Pennosan Natural Pool Clarifier makes pool care safer and simpler. Gentler on you and your clients and kinder to the environment.