Relax and let Pennosan do the Work

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How Pennosan Natural Spa Clarifier saved the day for one customer … and quite a bit of money!

Hot tub hire and hot tub servicing companies love Pennosan Natural Spa Clarifier. They need to service a lot of hot tubs in a day and for them time is money. Pennosan Natural Spa Clarifier is fast-acting and so easy to use!

One hot tub service company who used Pennosan Natural Spa Clarifier for the first time wrote to us to say they were amazed at how fast-acting it was. They wrote:

Customer spoiled their water within a day and didn’t want to pay the fine for another changeover so asked us to do what we could. With a mix of re-balancing the chemicals and dumping some Pennosan in, it brought the colour back to clear and the chemicals were perfect! This stuff is unreal!

They told us that once Pennosan Natural Spa Clarifier had been diluted 1 in 10 and spread evenly over the surface of the hot tub water (as per the label instructions):

Water line staining & lot of tanning oils in water that were gathered & removed from water surface 15 mins after treatment with jets on. Treatment dose then allowed the filter to complete system clean-up in 45 mins.

Photo of greenish cloudy hot tub

It’s so great when customers send us these remarkable images of how our Pennosan Natural Spa Clarifier, made from crab shells, can – almost instantly – prevent staining that is often caused by cosmetics, tanning oils and general dirt from hot tub water. Saving time, the cost of refilling and reheating the hot tub water and making life so much easier for hot tub users and service companies.

It gets better. When Pennosan Natural Spa Clarifier is added to the water before hot tub use, any dirt, oils and staining cosmetics are instantly mopped up and removed – keeping water crystal clear and preventing staining. It’s doing its job and because it’s 100% natural, you won’t even know it’s there!

Relax and let Pennosan do the work! Visit our online shop to buy our wonderful Welsh product.

Find out more about Routine Hot Tub Water Care and Maintenance here.

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