You are here: Shop > Natural Spa Cleanser 500 mL
One 490ml bottle will provide up to 50* maintenance treatments!
* based on a 1000L hot tub
** plus a small amount of white vinegar to keep fresh
Before using this product, make sure the spa or hot tub is operating at pH 7.4 or below. For best results, the Natural Spa Cleanser should be diluted in clean water before treating the spa or hot tub.
Use the dose recommended in the table below to keep your spa or hot tub clear. Use three times the recommended dose for particularly cloudy water or if tanning products such as fake tan or suntan lotion are being used.
For a typical 1000L (220 gallon) spa, add 10ml (2 teaspoons) of Natural Spa Cleanser to about half a jug full of clean water (200ml), stir and then pour evenly over the surface of the spa. For best results, run the spa for a few hours after application.
Litres |
Gallons |
Weekly treatment |
Up to 1,000 |
Up to 220 |
10ml |
1,500 |
330 |
15ml |
2,000 | 440 |
20ml |
This product is safe to use and good for the environment. It contains chitosan, a natural flocculating agent that binds to any dirt and oily particles present in spa water, making them easy to remove in the spa filter systems. Our Natural Spa Cleanser will be removed when the filter is cleaned and will break down naturally and safely, so there are no disposal issues and no impact on the environment.
Adding Natural Spa Cleanser to clean spa water before use can help prevent spa staining from tanning products. Using this product on a regular basis will keep the spa water clean, reduce demand on chemical sanitisers and eliminate scum lines/tide marks.
We take no responsibility where this product is not used according to guidance. Not for use in cleaning drinking water. Do not add directly to streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, and natural habitats.
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